Friday, December 26, 2008

An New Year = New Year's Resolutions

I love the start of an New Year? The start of an New Year, symbolizes to me "turning over a new leaf." An New Year gives you the chance to start over, whether it's losing weight, going back to school, starting your own business or just taking time out for yourself. What ever that change might be, remember that your change should be for the better. It should always be something to improve or enhance your lifestyle.

Alot of people see the start of the New Year, to make resolutions of things that they hope to change for the upcoming year. I personally call mine lifestyle changes, as they are things that I would like to change in my life. No matter what we may call them, how many of us stick to these resolutions or lifestyle changes? Instead of making these resolutions for the whole year try doing it for 3 months, setting your resolutions for an smaller timeframe may be easier to reach then setting them for an year. Whatever your resolution or lifestyle change may be, always remember even if you fall off you can always get back up and pickup where you left off.

Let the year 2009 be your year, where your resolutions are fulfilled. Find yourself an theme song that gets your creative gears moving (I personally love, I'm Coming Out-by Diana Ross) or create an slogan that drives you to fulfill your goals. These may sound corny but here are some of my own slogans for 2009 "On My Grind for 09," or how about "My Turn to Shine in 09." These are corny lines indeed...but I think you get the point ;-)

Until next time,


Monday, December 8, 2008


Hello all, I've been MIA the past few months as I've been busy trying to get my site up ( In the past month, I have gotton my logo and banners redone. I am also learning more and more about marketing Cozy Aromas online and offline. Hopefully, I can really start using this blog to my advantage and communicate with you all on an consistant bases. I am adding my banner and logo to this blog for you all to see, feel free to leave comments good or bad, and feel free to visit my site (, although it's an work in progress I am dillegently trying to get it together. While you're there feel free to sign up for my newsletter to be the first one to know of our Grand Opening, upcoming sales, and new products.

Until next time,


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The First Day of Fall

It's official, yesterday was the "First day of Fall" for the year of 2008. Fall is my favorite season besides spring. I just love the crisp cool nights of September and October. The shedding of the leaves in bright orange, yellow and reds brings back fond memories of growing up in Ohio.

As a young child growing up in the Midwest, the first day of fall usually meant that football season was in full effect especially in Cleveland, OH. Every week consisted of watching either the Ohio State Buckeyes or the Cleveland Browns. No matter if they won or lost it was just nice to watch the game, eat an bratwurst and have a good time. The beginning of fall also meant that crisp cool nights would soon began and that the summer was fading away. For most, the begining of fall meant the beginning of the Holiday Season. Many will begin to decide what their little ones will be wearing on Halloween night or finalizing travel plans for Thanksgiving.

This year I want to make sure my sons experience Fall, the way I did as an young child growing up in Ohio. This year we will pick out our own pumpkin to make homemade pumpkin seeds and maybe enjoy an night at Stone Mountain park during their Pumpkin Festival. No matter how you and your family celebrate the Fall Season, make sure it's one that will create memories of an lifetime and have fun!!!!

Product Pics coming soon in the following fragrances:

Chocolate Orange Soap
Pumpkin Souffle Candle
Pumpkin Brulee Soap
Warm Apple Pie

Sunday, September 7, 2008

To Blog or Not To Blog?

I've been going back and forth with this question for the past 3 months or so and I finally decided to make that big step to the world of Blogging.

My main reason for blogging is to have an outlet to showcase my products. It's been over a year and I have yet to finish my business website. I realize that a year is a long time but to be honest, I didn't realize how hard it would be to formulate wordings and capture pictures that would set my products apart from others.

So I've decided to blog until I finally "get it together" and get out of this "writer's block," I will blog my adventures, (soap and candle adventures), among other things and maybe the words will come together to get my site done. Afterall, I do need to post something meaningful in this blog, right? ;-)

I hope not to bore you all to death, and I hope to keep the topics interesting. Any questions, feedback, or suggestions are welcome, I'll try my best to respond to all, as time allows and eventually I'll open up my website but until then I will be an "self-proclaimed" Blogger ;-)

BTW, If you would like to take on the challenge of helping me with my site feel free to leave me an post.

Until next time....